Eastern British Columbia
It was bittersweet now being finished with the Freeride World Qualifier events for the 2016 season. We both ended in the top 30 for the North American Standings. Not too bad out of the 124 mens snowboard in competition this season. Zach finished in 11th for the Freeride World Qualifier Tour. I ended in 28th after only two comps (Crested Butte and Taos). Due to my injury in the first event at Crested Butte event, I was bummed I could not heal in time for any more competitions. And with Zach's uncharacteristic slip up in the final competition, it's fair to say that both Zach and I were slightly disappointed in how the FWQ 2106 finished. Nothing we can do now except go enjoy the rest of this incredible road trip through Canada and the US. Next stop, Canmore, Alberta.
We briefly pulled the tourist card and had to stop in Lake Louise and Banff National Park on the way to Canmore as we had a friend there to visit with. I also decided I was sick of resting the ankle and not being very active. It was time to slowing get back on my board... for rehab and physical therapy reasons of course! I was stoked for the back country tour we had planned Kananaskis Country because it was my first time back on the board since the ankle injury at the Taos event, about 4 weeks ago.
Lake Louise
Photo: Zach Husted
After enjoying some much needed rest after this competition season and a good touring mission near Canmore, we're off into the hills of Kananaskis Country. We had a pretty solid weather window after a fresh dusting of new snow the day prior.
Kananaskis Country
Photo: Zach
Zach slashing his way into the couloir near Tryst Lake in Kananaskis Country.
Photo: Brian Stenerson
Laying the skins back down on Tryst Lake Kananaskis Country
Photo: Zach
Ended up heading out to Tryst Lake for our first lap and then skied over into Commonwealth.
Commonwealth drainage in Kananaskis Country
Photo: Brian Stenerson
Kananaskis Country
Photo: Zach Husted
After finding a couple ladies admiring our skills and good looks ;)
Photo: Zach Husted
Now off to Nelson, BC to continue the road trip along the powder highway. We got in late, just in time to meet up with a friend who patrols at Whitewater and go watch her hockey game, because that's what you do in Canada. With the weather so warm that night, it made sense to sleep on the beach.. The next morning we shot straight to Whitewater Mountain Resort.
Waking up on the beach on the North Shore of Nelson, BC after a long night at the local Irish Pub.
Photo: Zach Husted
Nelson, BC
Whitewater Resort, Nelson, BC.
Photo: Zach Husted
Whitewater Resort, Nelson, BC
Photo: Zach Husted
Even with Whitewater in it's slushy condition and no fresh snow it undoubtedly ranks in the top few resorts I've been to with its amazing hike to terrain, awesome hippies from Nelson, and all around good vibes. After Nelson it was time to continue to Rossland, BC along the Powder highway which hosts Red Mountain.
Red Mountain outa Rossland, BC
After shredding all day at Red, we finally ran into our friend whom we met in the FWQ competition series. Local bad ass Kylie actually won the women's ski division and will be competing on the Freeride World Tour next season. Good luck Kylie on the upcoming season! Our plan was to head out after that day back to Revelstoke but she had to twist our arms to stay through the weekend as this weekend was closing weekend and the biggest party in Rossland of the year. She put us up in her house? I guess you call it a house because over 100 years ago when Rossland was a small mining town, this house was a Brothel. The house was filled with tiny rooms all over it. It's now the one of the only buildings still standing in town from that era due to the city burning down a couple times in the past.
Brian smashing down the banked slalom at Red Mountain Resort
Photo: Zach Husted
Closing day was upon us at Red and that meant Retro day! Kylie gave us free-range over her wardrobe for outfits. She definitely has the highest quality Retro gear selection we had ever seen a selection better than any thrift store could ever offer. It was now the third day of a party binder and we were all going out hard for the final day of the season!!
One of the most fun closing days of my life!
Check out my stunning attire for the RETRO Red Mountain closing day!
At some point we had to roll out of Rossland and move to on for the next adventure in Rodgers Pass! One of the most iconic touring areas in North America.