Good Day.

Welcome to my adventures in travel. Hope you have a great stay!

Jacque Peak

Jacque Peak

Its June 19th 2016 and still getting snow gear on for a long awaited springs mission up Jacques Peak to ski Wilsons Rage. 

Jeff doing some Spring Skinnin' Photo: Zach Husted

Jeff doing some Spring Skinnin' 

Photo: Zach Husted

Started at 4:45am and while the hike took up a bit more time than expected with our photographer getting some quality shots. The hike consisted of 99.9% hiking and only 0.1% hiking on snow. Glad we brought the split-boards... 

 Took around 6 hours hiking up from West Village at Copper Mountain up to the top of Jacques. Jeff and I quickly strapped in to get moving while the snow was still in decent conditions. I shot down for the first run and had some killer consistent slush carves with a 1,200 decent dodging dry/grass patches. 

Riding down Wilson's Rage. NE chute off of Jacques PeakPhoto: Diego

Riding down Wilson's Rage. NE chute off of Jacques Peak

Photo: Diego

The hike down was made up of felled tress, swamp walks, creek crossing, bush waking, and never brought a dull moment. Made the mission all around 10 hours and may have to catch it a bit earlier next spring. 

Mt. Elbert MTB 14,440ft (4401.2M)

Mt. Elbert MTB 14,440ft (4401.2M)

Pacific Coastline

Pacific Coastline